Chinese American Citizens Alliance "Pay It Forward Award"

The Chinese American Citizens Alliance is a wonderful organization that supports community services and is dedicated to promoting civic pride. Much gratitude to Hui-Lim Ang and the entire board for recognizing Pawtastic Friends.

We were so honored to be the recipient of "The Pay It Forward Award". It was a wonderful evening surrounded by amazing people and a great platform to share Pawtastic Friends. We want each and everyone of you to share in this recognition, as you all play a key role on Team Pawtastic Friends. Whether you are a trainer, volunteer, sponsor, are a community partner, rescue, or hit the share button on our social media posts. Collectively we are making a difference in the lives of so many deserving homeless pups, and in our community. This award is for all of you on Team Pawtastic Friends. We are looking forward to a great year and are so grateful all of you are part of the journey.

Much gratitude

Melissa & Michael Novelli


Pawtastic Friends