Uncertain times

Hope everyone is doing well during these uncertain times. Many people have been faced with hardships. Some have lost family members, some have lost their jobs, and some have lost their homes. It creates a domino effect and therefore, we have seen many pups lose their homes and families. It's truly heartbreaking and overwhelming at times, but we keep working hard, determined not to let these pups down. We recently added 16 new dogs to the enrichment training program. They need us... to keep their spirits up, build a foundation of skills & confidence, and simply give them hope. We love them during this confusing time and reassure them that everything will be ok (even when we wonder if it will). The pandemic has impacted everyone in a multitude of ways. We have had to cancel our biggest events throughout the year. So, please sponsor if you can, foster if you can, volunteer if you can, do a birthday fundraiser on Facebook, or simply share the updates. It takes a village and we appreciate each and everyone of you. Thank you for being part of Team Pawtastic Friends and helping to make our mission possible.


Much love & gratitude

Melissa & Michael