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Borrowed Time

The shelter can be a really scary place for any pup but especially one that is ill. In fact, the odds of getting out can be very slim. I never really fully grasped shelter or rescue life until I became a volunteer years ago. I learned and was inspired so much by volunteers that had years of experience and wisdom. They were my teachers, I their student. The invaluable lessons I still use and hold close to my heart. That being said, I want to share a story of a current scholar named Bible. I think his name is fitting as his journey is one of hope and faith. Bible ended up at the shelter in terrible shape, all due to owner neglect. I won't go into specifics, but let's just say when I saw the pictures, I was in tears. How could a human allow this to happen? Our rescue partners see this often, and I commend them for their dedication, compassion, and bravery.... they are heros. Pits to Pets rescued Bible when his time ran out. He was in far worse condition then they originaly thought. You see Bible has cancer, and his 2nd chance is more about borrowed time. Hmm, borrowed time? Somehow that doesn't seem fair. Every dog deserves his happily ever after. Bible started chemo treatment with hopes that he will get his. He's not up for adoption yet, but please keep him in your thoughts and prayers as he undergoes his treatments. Sometimes rescue breaks your heart, sometimes I can't sleep from the worry, and sometimes I wonder how one keeps going with so much heartache. But, then I think back to a lesson one of my mentors taught me, it was a simple message but forever impactful..... we are their hope, their faith, and their family until their happily ever after comes. We NEVER give up..... ever ❤ So, say a prayer for Bible and all the others that are on borrowed time......

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